It's a movie about an engagement that is awkward and ill-advised, a divorce, and a grandmother who has passed away and is hoping to bring her family back together from the grave. Merry Christmas!
I actually really liked the plot that was introduced in the first five minutes - an author who needs to write a Christmas romance but isn't feeling warm and fuzzy about the holiday. Fantastic. Why did they not go with this? That movie would have been great.
Hallmark gets an A on: The list from Nana - it's a fun and creative way to bring together all of the Hallmark staples. However, as soon as they started making gingerbread cookies, I felt that Hallmark was just box-checking. Ice skating? check. Cookie decorating? check. Nothing about it felt real or authentic. So this isn't really an A at all.
Hallmark gets a D on: Wardrobe; Most unromantic proposal ever; Painful awkwardness; Box-checking; Moody characters; Lack of romance
On a final note, Nana's favorite song was apparently "O Christmas Tree." I suggest that this is NO ONE'S favorite Christmas song. I'll try to do some research and get back to you.
Grade: D-
* Note Grading Scale:
A = This is seriously a good movie. It will remain on my DVR for the season.
B = Totally exceeded my expectations. I'm happy to recommend.
C = This is an average Hallmark movie. Good holiday fun.
D = I'm disappointed... but I watched it. Why not?
F = I actually had a hard time getting through this one. And that says a lot.