When I sat down to watch tonight's premiere, I was hoping for some lighthearted Christmas fare: a good gingerbread-baking contest, an intense ice sculpture competition, a handsome prince going incognito for the holiday, or a dramatic trip to Santa's workshop. What I got instead was a beautiful story of family, home, and the true meaning of Christmas... with lots of tears and heavy sighs. I'll admit that I was kind of mad at Hallmark early on in this movie. Why can't they just let me watch some silly, mindless holiday fun? I don't watch Hallmark to feel anything other than mild amusement, and this movie was pretty heavy. In the end, I cried, smiled, and appreciated it as a very emotional, high-quality production with great actors. Was it fun? Not really. But it's a movie that will make you want to spend time with your family and appreciate the holiday, which is a good thing.
This movie shares some plot elements with other Hallmark movies, such as the small town/ big city conflict, a workaholic who needs to learn the meaning of Christmas, and an evil developer who wants to build some condos. However, it's an emotional movie with heavy themes, so these staples take a back seat. Typically, I have at least a little snark for a Hallmark movie (all said with love, of course), but this movie is different. I can't be snarky when I'm looking for more tissues.
Hallmark gets an A on: Film quality; Acting; Mr. Freckles (the cat); Uncle Barney; Fishing hut (my husband was intrigued and enjoyed researching typical Wisconsin fishing hut design, so thanks for providing that entertainment for him); Patti Labelle (see missed opportunities below); Final scene, which truly demonstrates what a Christmas family gathering should feel like
Hallmark gets a D on: CGI snow (fake looking and unnecessary); The three friends (actors were fine, but the scenes were always awkward. I think they were going for some sort of Weird Sisters à la Macbeth thing, but I found it strange); Missed opportunities with Patti Labelle (does not appear until 1:30, and she never sings. Could we not have a concert as a fundraiser? Perhaps that would have lightened the mood at least a little...)
Grade: B
* Note Grading Scale:
A = This is seriously a good movie. It will remain on my DVR for the season.
B = Totally exceeded my expectations. I'm happy to recommend.
C = This is an average Hallmark movie. Good holiday fun.
D = I'm disappointed... but I watched it. Why not?
F = I actually had a hard time getting through this one. And that says a lot.